North Central's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee is sponsoring a Holocaust Remembrance Day essay/video contest.  The contest is open to currently enrolled ÌÇÐÄVlog students, and cash prizes are awarded for first, second and third place entries.

Essay Theme

Answer ONE of the following questions via essay (500 – 750 words) or video (4 – 6 minutes):

"As a nation, what can the United States learn from how it dealt with the refugee crisis during the Holocaust, and how can Americans apply those lessons to future global refugee crises?"


"During the Holocaust, the Nazis positioned the Jews of Europe as others. As a nation, how can the United States ensure we do not treat people as others and ensure we develop an inclusive society?"

Contest Rules

  • Open to currently enrolled North Central students only.
  • One entry per student.
  • Essay entries must be typed, 500—750 words, and 1 – 2 pages, double-spaced. Pages must be single-sided with student’s name and email appearing at the top left of each page.
  • Essay entries must be submitted electronically to:
  • Video entries must be 4—6 minutes in length.
  • Video entries must be uploaded to YouTube Studio. Email the video link only to
  • Deadline for entries: Friday, February 24, 2023, by 11:30 p.m.

Judging Criteria

Winners will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Quality
  • Relevance to theme
  • Effective and creative expression


1st Place Prize:       $500
2nd Place Prize:      $300
3rd Place Prize:       $100

Winners will be announced on Friday, March 3, 2023.